Best free password safe that supports yubikey
Best free password safe that supports yubikey

Password Safe uses YubiKey’s HMAC-SHA1 challenge response mode. Continue reading for our pick of the best security key to use. Password Safe is a password database utility that stores your passwords in an encrypted file, allowing you to remember only one password instead of all the username/password combinations that you use. While they’re undoubtedly dependable, not all security keys are created equal. Github and, in addition to the UK government. To my knowledge you cannot use the Yubikey in place of. Most sites however do not support the Yubikey and still require OTP codes. As far as your question about codes, the Yubikey can take place of codes for sites that support it. Developed by Google and security company Yubico, U2F today protects a number of recognisable internet companies – including Facebook, Gmail, Dropbox. I use KeePass password manager and the best app for iOS I found for it it Keepassium. They’re inexpensive and available in a variety of connection types and standards including USB-A and USB-C, in addition to Bluetooth and NFC. Security keys are based on the FIDO U2F Open authentication standard.


Once inserted into a computer or mobile device grants the user instant access to services using a button or keypad – and this can offer a higher grade of security without waiting for a code to be beamed to a device. While these are fine (and better than no 2FA system), physical hardware-based security keys, like the ones featured here, are so much better. You've probably seen standard software-based 2FA systems that send you a text message or email to confirm your identity.

Best free password safe that supports yubikey